Tuesday, September 30, 2008

We Will, We Will, Barack You!

Well, ladies and gentleman, the magic number is now 35. 35 days until election day. Where do you stand? Where should you stand? Well, I'll tell you one thing. Anyone who votes for McCain might as well jump on the first ship, plane, train, helicopter, pigeon, or anything else that moves out of the country. Now, don't get me wrong. Bush III, err...McCain is a solid guy. A war veteran, former POW - we all know his resume; but the shear fact that his running mate is a nonsensical, Oprah-watching, I-can't-answer-one-question-with-an-intelligent-answer soccer mom scares the ever-loving crap out of me. Can you imagine if, God forbid, something happened to McCain (72 years old and not in the best condition), then our Commander in-chief would be....gulp...Sarah Palin. Wow. I just started convulsing at the thought of the Lifetime Channel taking over the television airwaves. OK, now I'm just terrified - and I think I just threw up a little. That woman has no business in office, and McCain would be wise to change his running mate (if that's possible). Now, for all you reading this that are currently flipping through a thesaurus to come up with every synonym of chauvinist, let me make this perfectly clear. I voted for Hilary Clinton in the primaries because of her experience, intellect, and proven past of the Clinton family. This is not a 'I am man, hear me roar' rant. I don't care if there's a woman in office, as long as it's the right one.
Okay, I better change course a bit, because I'm getting fired up. I suppose it's obvious that I am a democrat and a strong Obama supporter. Now, who reading this saw the debate? And of you who did, who was for McCain, but after seing the debate, feels like Obama may be the better man? I thought so. McCain was flustered, not confident, and was caught multiple times spewing false statistics, to which Sen. Obama called him out ever time.
So, I ask you, Mr. John McCain, what is your master plan? This 'plan' we have heard about, but yet know nothing about. McCain/Palin are in short, a deadly combo... and I don't mean that as a compliment. He can't back up anything, she can't answer a question, and all they do is waste their time bashing Obama and his crew, in hopes that the retarded voters who elected Bush not once, but twice, will vote for them. They hope that the bon-bon popping Oprah fanatics will 'relate' to the stultifying nature that is Sarah Palin. I mean, if McCain must use Palin, perhaps he could consider swapping her out with Tina Fey (comedienne from Saturday Night Live); with the uncanny ability to do a spot-on impersonation of Palin, Tina Fey has more substance and actually has the ability to answer questions.
The choice is simple. The choice is ours...and yours. But as for this man, I say the answer is clear....OBAMA or bust.
I'm getting Virgin Atlantic on standby in case McCain/Palin win - I'll be on the first flight to Prague.
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